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Dustless Sanding

In addition to hand painting your existing kitchen, I offer a sanding or re-finishing service to many wooden surfaces around the home. I can sand and refinish your wooden work surfaces to compliment your painted kitchen, your furniture or resurface your dining table top or refinish the side board, dresser and display cabinets. These surfaces can the be waxed, oiled, lacquered, stained and even French polished.

Professionally Hand Painted Kitchens

Preparation is Key!

Preparation is the key to a successful job, as they say and every hand painted kitchen has to under go a thorough and meticulous cleaning and preparation process. This doesn’t necessarily mean coming in to your home with sanding machines blazing and create clouds of dust! But if I do need to machine sand any surfaces, then there’s no need to worry about any dust. Having invested heavily in high quality dust free sanding equipment which helps maintain a much cleaner and healthier environment. Mirka and Festool is my preferred choice of dust free sanding equipment and accessories.

Wooden Surface Refinishing

Whether its sanding surfaces in your home or in the workshop, the environment is kept virtually dust free. However, most kitchens do only need to have a light sand using a special abrasives, which provides a mechanical key for a much stronger adhesion of the paint systems. Its a belt and braces approach from my perspective. In between each coat of paint applied, its always best practice to give the surface a very light sanding (nibbing down) as I call it. This removes any fine particles that may settle on the paint film as its drying and helps to create that final finish for a beautiful end result.

Professionally Hand Painted Kitchens - why choose us?
Professionally Hand Painted wood kitchens

Festool and Mirka

Mirka and Festool are leading brands in dust free sanding equipment. Having invested in a variety of  these machines in both brands, this enables me to sand , prepare and finish most surfaces around the home, without creating any dust.

The machines are connected to a large hoover type extractor via a hose and power cable and the abrasives used on the machines are similar to a fine mesh. This means the dust created by sanding is sucked up at the source and transferred directly into a filtered extraction machine. Creating a much cleaner and safer working environment. Great for me doing the work and for you and your home.

The Final Finish!

Aesthetically pleasing, smooth and durable… hand painting is a cost effective way to rejuvenate your existing kitchen, furniture and built-in cabinetry. It creates something totally unique and bespoke to you. Dust free sanding is just one of the processes used in creating beautiful hand painted finishes. The preparation is so important and adds to the final finishing of any hand-painted project.

To find out more about my services and what can be achieved with a hand painted finish, please take a look through My Blog or Get in Touch to see what possibilities we can create for you.

Professionally Hand Painted Kitchens